“South Africa is leading the world’s response to the HIV epidemic with major research in the prevention, treatment and care of people living with HIV/AIDS, TB and AIDS-related cancers, particularly cervical cancer. This is leading to breakthroughs and new treatments,” says Professor Ian Sanne, head of the Clinical HIV Research Unit (CHRU).
Prof Sanne was speaking on World Clinical Trials Day earlier this week when he said, “Over the last 25 years the research and treatment of HIV/AIDS has evolved rapidly, possibly more than in any other field of medicine, significantly reducing death and disease for people living with AIDS. This includes people who have AIDS-related cancers, and particularly cervical cancer which affects women.
“As we approach the International Day of Action for Women’s Health on 28 May 2018, it is important to note the work that is being done to prevent and cure cervical cancer, which is the second most common cause of cancer among women worldwide and a leading cause of cancer death in South African women. There is a need for clinical trials to find solutions for women.”
CHRU’s clinical trials in this area focus on the patterns of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer including early diagnosis and treatment options. “Our studies deal with the major cancers that affect HIV-positive patients and the HPV-related cancers that include cervical cancer are a major priority,” says Sanne.
“Our researchers want to prevent cervical cancer by improving cervical cancer screening, investigating new treatments for cervical pre-cancer and finding the best way to treat cervical cancer in high-risk women, especially those living with HIV.”
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection and the most common cause of 70% of cervical cancers. HIV positive women are three to five times more likely to develop cervical cancer and its progression is far more rapid in HIV positive patients. Regular pap smear tests can detect the condition while it is still pre-cancerous.
CHRU ensures the participation of diverse patients. “We have an active community advisory board which promotes community engagement, participant recruitment and educates community members about health and clinical trials. Board members advocate for patients, give feedback on cultural and religious sensitivities and raise community concerns as well as educating communities about CHRU’s clinical trials.”
South Africa’s clinical trials adhere to international best practice. For every trial conducted by CHRU, the research is reviewed by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), while the National Department of Health is also involved. Only competent teams can conduct clinical trials and informed consent for patients is necessary. Safety and quality of research is very important.