Clinical research sites across South Africa
The Clinical HIV Research Unit’s (CHRU) clinical research sites (CRS) are located in urban communities in three major provinces in South Africa. These sites are well positioned, allowing access to diverse populations, and contribute to the recruitment of participants and the scientific agenda.
CHRU’s sites have all demonstrated an outstanding ability to recruit and retain study participants.
The Helen Joseph Hospital Clinical Research Site
is located adjacent to Johannesburg’s Helen Joseph Hospital placing it in a strong position to access diverse populations from the hospital, surrounding healthcare facilities and communities.
It houses the Themba Lethu Clinic, home to the first largest patient population on antiretroviral treatment in South Africa, offering specialised management for advanced HIV and complicated TB cases. It is known as the Themba Lethu Cohort which has led to several outcome evaluations and been an important source of publications.
The site set-up and facilities accommodate diverse clinical trials. It is one of the highest-performing international sites of the ACTG Network.
The Sizwe Tropical Diseases Hospital Clinical Research Site
The Sizwe Tropical Diseases Hospital Clinical Research Site in Johannesburg is based at the drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) referral hospital that caters for children with probable or confirmed DR-TB in the Gauteng province.
Complex DR-TB cases, including DR-TB in pregnancy, are also referred to the hospital which offers treatment for all forms of drug-resistant TB including extensively DR-TB. The CRS was set up to expand CHRU’s research agenda around DR-TB.
It has enrolled participants on multiple seminal trials, including STREAM, Nix, ZeNix and IMPACT 1108 – all of which have led to South African and World Health Organization guidelines changes. This CRS has done remarkably well in terms of high-quality trial data and retention of study participants on long-running studies.
The King DinuZulu Hospital Clinical Research Site (CRS)
Durban is the epicentre of the Drug-Resistant TB (DR-TB) epidemic in South Africa. The King DinuZulu Hospital CRS in Durban’s eThekwini District offers treatment for TB covering multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), extensively multi-drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) and drug-sensitive TB (DS-TB).
CHRU runs a clinical research site at the hospital which is one of the highest enrolling sites for several key TB trials. The site works in collaboration with stakeholders including the Department of Health to reduce the TB burden in the eThekwini District.
The Isango Lethemba TB Research Unit team
The Isango Lethemba TB Research Unit focuses on multiple TB-related studies. The site is located in the precinct of the Jose Pearson TB Hospital. Clinical trials undertaken here aim to deliver more effective, tolerable and safe ways of treating patients with DR-TB, shorten time on treatment and develop new strategies in tackling this disease.